Authing 通用服务条款 / Authing Subscription Agreement

欢迎您与北京蒸汽记忆科技有限公司(以下简称“蒸汽记忆”)共同签署本《Authing 产品服务协议》(下称“本协议”)并使用 Authing 服务!





1. 签约主体及协议范围

本服务协议是您与北京蒸汽记忆科技有限公司就您使用 Authing 服务所签署的服务协议。

2. 服务内容

本条款中“服务”指:Authing 服务 网站和客户端(以下单独或统称“Authing”)所展示的、您申请订购且 Authing 同意向您提供的服务

3. 服务费用

3.1. 服务费用将在您订购页面予以列明公示,您可自行选择具体服务类型并按列明的价格予以支付。Authing 仅供选择先付费的服务。

3.2. 先付费:

3.2.1. 在您付费之后,Authing 才开始为您提供服务。您未在下单后立即付费的,订单会失效,订单失效后 Authing 与您就服务所达成的合意失效。

3.2.2. 服务期满双方愿意继续合作的,您至少应在服务期满前7天内支付续费款项,以使服务得以继续进行。

3.3. Authing 保留在您未按照约定支付全部费用之前不向您提供服务和/或技术支持,或者终止服务和/或技术支持的权利。同时,Authing 保留对您的欠费要求您按日承担万分之五的违约金以及追究其他法律责任的权利。

3.4. 您完全理解 Authing 价格体系中所有的赠送服务项目或优惠活动均为 Authing 在正常服务价格之外的一次性特别优惠,赠送的服务项目或优惠活动不可折价、冲抵服务价格。

4. 您的权利和义务

4.1. 成功订购服务后,您有权要求 Authing 按照本服务协议以及 Authing 网站相关页面所展示的服务说明、技术规范等内容向您提供服务。

4.2. 您订购 Authing 的服务后,您可享受免费的售后服务。除此之外 Authing 并提供其他付费的技术服务。

4.3. 您应按照 Authing 的网站页面提示及本服务协议的约定支付相应服务费用。

4.4. 就 Authing 服务的使用应符合 Authing 的《服务使用规则》以及本服务协议。

4.5. 您对自己存放在 Authing 云平台上的数据以及进入和管理 Authing 云平台上各类产品与服务的口令、密码的完整性和保密性负责。因您维护不当或保密不当致使上述数据、口令、密码等丢失或泄漏所引起的损失和后果均由您承担。

4.6. 您须依照《网络安全法》、《互联网信息服务管理办法》等法律法规的规定保留自己网站的访问日志记录,包括发布的信息内容及其发布时间、互联网地址(IP)、域名等,国家有关机关依法查询时应配合提供。您将承担未按规定保留相关记录而引起的相应法律责任。

4.7. 为了数据的安全,您应负责您数据的备份工作。 Authing 的产品或服务可能会为您配置数据备份的功能或工具,您负责操作以完成备份。

4.8. 您应对您的用户业务数据的来源及内容负责,Authing 提示您谨慎判断数据来源及内容的合法性。您将承担因您的用户业务数据内容违反法律法规、部门规章或国家政策而造成的相应结果及责任。

4.9. 您理解并同意,中华人民共和国的国家秘密受法律保护,您有保守中华人民共和国的国家秘密的义务;您使用 Authing 服务应遵守相关保密法律法规的要求,并不得危害中华人民共和国国家秘密的安全。

4.10. 您还应仔细阅读并遵守 Authing 在网站页面上展示的相应服务说明、技术规范、使用流程、操作文档等内容(以上简称“操作指引”),依照相关操作指引进行操作。您将承担违反相关操作指引所引起的后果;同时,Authing 郑重提示您,请把握风险谨慎操作。

5. Authing 的权利、义务

5.1. Authing 应按照约定提供服务。

5.2. 服务期限内,Authing 将为您提供如下售后服务:

5.2.1. Authing 将提供 7×24 企业微信服务群以及在线工单咨询服务,解答您在使用中的问题;

5.2.2. Authing 将为您提供故障支持服务,您应通过在线工单申报故障; Authing 将及时就您非人为操作所出现的故障提供支持,但因您的人为原因和/或不可抗力、以及其他非 Authing 控制范围内的事项除外。

5.3. 您还可通过 Authing 获得其他付费的售后服务,具体详见 Authing 的网站相关页面的收费售后服务内容。

5.4. Authing 仅负责 Authing 提供的软件的运营维护,Authing 软件之外部分(如您的身份源、数据源、应用程序)由您负责。

5.5. 您了解 Authing 无法保证其所提供的服务毫无瑕疵(如 Authing 安全产品并不能保证您的硬件或软件的绝对安全),但 Authing 承诺不断提升服务质量及服务水平。所以您同意:即使 Authing 提供的服务存在瑕疵,但上述瑕疵是当时行业技术水平所无法避免的,其将不被视为 Authing 违约。您同意和 Authing 一同合作解决上述瑕疵问题。

5.6. Authing 的某些服务可能具备账户授权管理功能,即您可将您对服务的全部或部分操作权限授权给您指定的一个或多个被授权账户,此种情况下,任一被授权账户下进行的所有操作行为,均将被视为您通过本人账户所进行的行为,都将由您承担相应的责任和由此产生的服务费用

5.7. 您理解并认可,Authing 将为您提供基于某些服务的安全协议(如 LDAP、SAML、OIDC)以及管理与监控的相关功能及服务(如“用户概览”),尽管 Authing 对该等服务经过详细的测试,但并不能保证其与所有的软硬件系统完全兼容,亦不能保证其软件及服务的完全准确性。如果出现不兼容及软件错误的情况,您应立即关闭或停止使用相关功能,并及时联系 Authing ,获得技术支持。

5.8. 您应理解并同意,Authing 在对服务进行公测、邀测等您免费试(使)用服务期间或免费服务额度内,虽然 Authing 会对服务可用性和可靠性提供支撑,但将不对任何服务可用性、可靠性做出承诺,Authing 亦不对您使用或不能使用 Authing 服务的工作或结果承担任何责任。 Authing 保留日后对该等免费服务收取费用的可能性,收取服务费用之前,Authing 将另行通知您。

6. 用户业务数据

6.1. Authing 理解并认可,您通过 Authing 提供的服务,加工、存储、上传、下载、分发以及通过其他方式处理的数据,均为您的用户业务数据,您完全拥有您的用户业务数据。

6.2. 就用户业务数据,Authing 除执行您的服务要求外,不进行任何未获授权的使用及披露;但以下情形除外:

6.2.1. 在国家有关机关依法查询或调阅用户业务数据时,Authing 具有按照相关法律法规或政策文件要求提供配合,并向第三方或者行政、司法等机构披露的义务;

6.2.2. 您和 Authing 另行协商一致。

6.3. 您可自行对您的用户业务数据进行删除、更改等操作。如您释放服务或删除数据的,Authing 将删除您的数据,按照您的指令不再保留该等数据。就数据的删除、更改等操作,您应谨慎操作

6.4. 当服务期届满、服务提前终止(包括双方协商一致提前终止,其他原因导致的提前终止等)或您发生欠费时,除法律法规明确规定、主管部门要求或双方另有约定外,Authing 仅在一定的缓冲期(以您所订购的服务适用的专有条款、产品文档、服务说明等所载明的时限为准)内继续存储您的用户业务数据(如有),缓冲期届满 Authing 将删除所有用户业务数据,包括所有缓存或者备份的副本,不再保留您的任何用户业务数据。

6.5. 用户业务数据一经删除,即不可恢复;您应承担数据因此被删除所引发的后果和责任,您理解并同意,Authing 没有继续保留、导出或者返还用户业务数据的义务。

6.6. Authing 恪守对用户的安全承诺,根据适用的法律保护用户存储在 Authing 数据中心的数据。

7. 知识产权

7.1. 在本协议项下一方向对方提供的任何资料、技术或技术支持、软件、服务等的知识产权均属于提供一方或其合法权利人所有; 除提供方或合法权利人明示同意外,另一方无权复制、传播、转让、许可或提供他人使用上述知识成果,否则应承担相应的责任。

7.2. 您应保证提交 Authing 的素材、对 Authing 服务的使用及使用 Authing 服务所产生的成果未侵犯任何第三方的合法权益。 Authing 应保证向您提供的服务未侵犯任何第三方的合法权益。

7.3. 如果第三方机构或个人对您使用 Authing 服务所涉及的相关素材的知识产权归属提出质疑或投诉,或对您使用的 Authing 服务的知识产权的归属提出质疑或投诉,您和 Authing 均有责任出具相关知识产权证明材料,并配合对方的相关投诉处理工作。对于因此引起的索赔、诉讼或可能向其提起诉讼,违约方应负责解决,承担费用和损失,以及使另一方免责。

8. 保密条款

8.1. 本服务条款所称保密信息,是指一方(以下简称“接受方”)从对方(以下简称“披露方”)取得的、获知的、或因双方履行本协议而产生的商业秘密(包括财务秘密)、技术秘密、经营诀窍和(或)其他应予保密的信息和资料(包括产品资料,产品计划,价格,财务及营销规划,业务战略,客户信息,客户数据,研发,软件,硬件,API应用数据接口,技术说明,设计,特殊公式,特殊算法等),无论上述信息和资料以何种形式或载于何种载体,无论披露方在披露时是否以口头、图像或书面等方式表明其具有保密性。

8.2. 双方应采取适当措施妥善保存对方提供的保密信息,措施的审慎程度不少于其保护自身的保密信息时的审慎程度。双方仅能将保密信息用于与本协议项下的有关用途或目的。

8.3. 双方保证保密信息仅可在各自一方从事该业务的负责人和雇员范围内知悉,并严格限制接触上述保密信息的员工遵守本条之保密义务。

8.4. 本条上述限制条款不适用于以下情况:

8.4.1. 在签署本协议之时或之前,该保密信息已以合法方式属接受方所有;

8.4.2. 保密信息在通知给接受方时,已经公开或能从公开领域获得;

8.4.3. 保密信息是接受方从与其没有保密或不透露义务的第三方获得的;

8.4.4. 在不违反本协议约定责任的前提下,该保密信息已经公开或能从公开领域获得;

8.4.5. 该保密信息是接受方或其关联或附属公司独立开发,而且未从通知方或其关联或附属公司获得的信息中获益;

8.4.6. 接受方应法院或其它法律、行政管理部门要求(通过口头提问、询问、要求资料或文件、传唤、民事或刑事调查或其他程序)因而透露保密信息;

8.4.7. 接受方为向行政管理部门、行业协会等机构申请某项业务资质、获得某项认定、或符合国家、行业标准/认证,需结合对方情况向前述机构提交材料或进行说明的而披露的信息,在该等情况下,接受方应秉持必要情况下最少披露原则及要求因此获知保密信息的机构按不低于本协议的标准予以保密。

8.5. 您和 Authing 都应尽最大的努力保护上述保密信息不被泄露。一旦发现有上述保密信息泄露事件,双方应合作采取一切合理措施避免或者减轻损害后果的产生。如因此给对方造成损失的,应赔偿因此给对方造成的直接经济损失。

9. 服务的开通、终止与变更

9.1. 先付费的服务:

9.1.1. 您付费后服务即开通,开通后您获得 Authing 向您发送的登录、使用服务的密钥、口令即可使用服务,服务期限自开通之时起算(而非自您获得登录、使用服务的密钥、口令时起算);

9.1.2. 以包年包月等固定期限形式售卖的服务,服务期限至订购的期限届满为止;以资源包(或套餐包)形式售卖的服务,服务期限则至您订购的资源包服务期限到期或资源包中的服务被使用完毕为止(以前述二者早发生为准);

9.1.3. 您应在服务期限内将资源包的服务数量使用完毕,如资源包的服务期限届满,您已订购但未使用完毕的服务将被作废且 Authing 将不提供其他替代或补充。

9.1.4. 您对于服务的使用将优先消耗订购的资源包,除法定及双方另行约定外,如资源包中的各项服务使用完毕或者服务期限到期,且您未继续订购资源包服务但持续使用此项服务的,Authing 将视为您使用 Authing 以后付费形式售卖的该服务(如有),Authing 将持续计费并根据计费结果予以扣划服务费用。

9.2. 发生下列情形之一的,服务期限提前终止:

9.2.1. 双方协商一致提前终止的;

9.2.2. 您严重违反本协议(包括,您严重违反相关法律法规规定,或您严重违反本协议项下之任一承诺内容等),Authing 有权提前终止服务直至清除您的全部数据;

9.2.3. 您理解并充分认可,虽然 Authing 已经建立(并将根据技术的发展不断完善)必要的技术措施来防御包括计算机病毒、网络入侵和攻击破坏(包括DDoS)等危害网络安全事项或行为(以下统称该等行为),但鉴于网络安全技术的局限性、相对性以及该等行为的不可预见性,因此如因您网站遭遇该等行为而给 Authing 或者 Authing 的其他网络或服务器(包括本地及外地和国际的网络、服务器等)带来危害,或影响 Authing 与国际互联网或者 Authing 与特定网络、服务器及 Authing 内部的通畅联系,Authing 可决定暂停或终止服务。如果终止服务的,将按照实际提供服务月份计算(不足一个月的按天计)服务费用,将剩余款项(如有)返还。

9.2.4. Authing 可提前30天在 Authing 网站上通告或给您发网站内通知或书面通知的方式终止本服务服务协议;届时 Authing 应将您已预付但未消费的款项退还至您的 Authing 账户。

9.3. 您理解并认可,为技术升级、服务体系升级、或因经营策略调整或配合国家重大技术、法规政策等变化,Authing 不保证永久的提供某种服务,并有权变更所提供服务的形式、规格或其他方面(如服务的价格和计费模式),在终止该种服务或进行此种变更前,Authing 将尽最大努力且提前以网站公告、站内信、邮件或短信等一种或多种方式进行事先通知。

10. 违约责任

10.1. 您违反本协议中的承诺、保证条款、服务使用规则或义务的任一内容,或 Authing 根据其判断认为您的使用行为存在异常的,Authing 均有权就其情节,根据独立判断并单方采取以下措施中的一种或多种:(1)限制、中止使用服务;(2)终止提供服务,终止本协议;(3)追究您的法律责任;(4)其他 Authing 认为适合的处理措施。 Authing 依据前述约定采取中止服务、终止服务等措施而造成的用户损失将由您承担。

10.2. 如因您违反有关法律法规或者本协议、相关规则之规定,使 Authing 遭受任何损失、受到其他用户、任何第三方的索赔或任何行政管理部门的处罚,您应对 Authing、其他用户或相关第三方的实际损失进行全额赔偿,包括合理的律师费用。

10.3. 您理解且同意,鉴于计算机、互联网的特殊性,下述情况不属于 Authing 违约:

10.3.1. Authing 在进行系统及服务器配置、维护、升级时,需要短时间中断服务;

10.3.2. 由于 Internet 上的通路阻塞造成您网站访问速度下降。

10.4. 如果因 Authing 原因造成您连续 72 小时不能正常使用服务的,您可终止接受服务,但非 Authing 控制之内的原因引起的除外。

10.5. 在任何情况下,Authing 均不对任何间接性、后果性、惩戒性、偶然性、特殊性的损害,包括您使用 Authing 服务而遭受的利润损失承担责任(即使您已被告知该等损失的可能性)。

10.6. 在法律允许的情况下,Authing 在本协议项下所承担的损失赔偿责任不超过就该服务过往 12 个月所缴纳的服务费用的总和。

11. 不可抗力

11.1. 因不可抗力或者其他意外事件,使得本服务条款的履行不可能、不必要或者无意义的,遭受不可抗力、意外事件的一方不承担责任。

11.2. 不可抗力、意外事件是指不能预见、不能克服并不能避免且对一方或双方当事人造成重大影响的客观事件,包括自然灾害如洪水、地震、瘟疫流行等以及社会事件如战争、动乱、政府行为、电信主干线路中断、黑客、网路堵塞、电信部门技术调整和政府管制等。

12. 法律适用及争议解决

12.1. 本协议之订立、生效、解释、修订、补充、终止、执行与争议解决均适用中华人民共和国大陆法律。

12.2. 您因使用 Authing 服务所产生及与 Authing 服务有关的争议,由 Authing 与您协商解决。协商不成时,任何一方均可向北京市海淀区人民法院提起诉讼。

13. 附则

13.1. 本协议的附件,以及 Authing 在 Authing 网站相关页面上的服务说明、价格说明和您确认同意的订购页面(包括产品的专用条款、服务说明、操作文档等)均为本协议不可分割的一部分。如遇不一致之处,以(1)服务说明、价格说明、其他订购页面,(2)专用条款和附件,(3)本协议通用条款的顺序予以适用。

13.2. 如本协议内容发生变动,Authing 应通过提前30天在 Authing 网站的适当版面公告向您提示修改内容;如您继续使用 Authing 服务,则视为您接受 Authing 所做的相关修改。

13.3. Authing 有权经提前通知将本协议的权利义务全部或者部分转移给 Authing 的关联公司。

13.4. Authing 于您过失或违约时放弃本协议规定的权利,不应视为其对您的其他或以后同类之过失或违约行为弃权。

13.5. 本协议任一条款被视为废止、无效或不可执行,该条应视为可分的且并不影响本协议其余条款的有效性及可执行性。

13.6. 本协议项下之保证条款、保密条款、知识产权条款、法律适用及争议解决条款等内容,不因本协议的终止而失效。

Authing Subscription Agreement

1. Service and Professional Services.

1.1. Authing’s Obligations.

Authing shall make the Service available to Customer pursuant to this Agreement and the applicable Order Form during the Term, and grants to Customer a limited, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except as expressly permitted in Section 12.1) right during the Term to allow its Users to access and use the Service in accordance with the Documentation, solely for Customer’s business purposes. Customer agrees that its purchase of the Service or the Professional Services is neither contingent upon the delivery of any future functionality or features nor dependent upon any oral or written public comments made by Authing with respect to future functionality or features. Authing will comply with all applicable Laws in its provision of the Service. Authing shall use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Service available to Customer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of each year (except for any unavailability caused by a Force Majeure event).

1.2. Customer’s Obligations.

a) Customer is responsible for all activities conducted under its and its Users’ logins to the Service. Customer shall use the Service in compliance with this Agreement, the applicable Order Forms, Documentation, and all applicable Laws and shall not: (i) copy, rent, sell, lease, distribute, pledge, assign, or otherwise transfer, or encumber rights to the Service, or any part thereof, or make it available to anyone other than its Users; (ii) send or store in the Service any personal health data, credit card data, personal financial data or other such sensitive data; (iii) send or store infringing or unlawful material in connection with the Service; (iv) send or store Malicious Code to the Service; (v) attempt to gain unauthorized access to, or disrupt the integrity or performance of, the Service or the data contained therein; (vi) modify, copy or create derivative works based on the Service, or any portion thereof; (vii) access the Service for the purpose of building a competitive product or service or copying its features or user interface; or (viii) delete, alter, add to or fail to reproduce in and on the Service the name of Authing and any copyright or other notices appearing in or on the Service or which may be required by Authing at any time.

b) Any use of the Service in breach of this Agreement, Documentation or Order Forms by Customer or Users that in Authing’s judgment threatens the security, integrity or availability of the Service may result in Authing’s immediate suspension of Customer’s access to the Service; however, Authing will use commercially reasonable efforts under the circumstances to provide Customer with notice and an opportunity to remedy such violation or threat prior to such suspension.

1.3. Professional Service (Custom Development Engineer).

Customer and Authing may enter into Statements of Work that describe the specific Professional Services to be performed by Authing. If applicable, while on Customer premises for Professional Services, Authing personnel shall comply with reasonable Customer rules and regulations regarding safety, and conduct made known to Authing, and will, at Customer’s reasonable request, promptly remove from the project any Authing personnel not following such rules and regulations.

2. Security and Support.

2.1. Security.

Authing shall maintain appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect the security and integrity of the Service and the Customer Data.

2.2. Support Services.

During the Term, Authing shall provide Support Services to Customer in accordance with Authing’s then-current support policy, and as identified in an Order Form. In the event that the level of support is not identified in the Order Form, Customer shall receive a “Developer” level of support that is included in the Service at no additional cost. Any updates or modifications to the Support Services will not materially diminish Authing’s responsibilities under the support policy during the Term.

2.3. Confidentiality.

Each party agrees to protect the Confidential Information (as defined below) of the other party in the same manner that it protects the confidentiality of its own proprietary and confidential information of like kind, but in no event using less than a reasonable standard of care. A party shall not: (i) disclose or use any Confidential Information of the other party for any purpose outside the scope of this Agreement, except with the disclosing party’s prior written permission and (ii) disclose or make the other party’s Confidential Information available to any party, except those of its employees, contractors, and agents that have signed an agreement containing disclosure and use provisions substantially similar to those set forth herein and have a “need to know” in order to carry out the purpose of this Agreement. Confidential Information shall not include any information that (a) is or becomes generally known to the public, other than as a result of the act or omission of the receiving party; (b) were rightfully known to a party prior to its disclosure by the other party without breach of any obligation owed to the other party; (c) is lawfully received from a third party without breach of any obligation owed to the other party; or (d) was independently developed by a party without breach of any obligation owed to the other party. If a party is compelled by law to disclose Confidential Information of the other party, it shall provide prior notice of such compelled disclosure (to the extent legally permitted) and reasonable assistance, at the other party's cost, if the other party wishes to contest the disclosure. Due to the unique nature of the parties’ Confidential Information disclosed hereunder, there can be no adequate remedy at law for a party’s breach of its obligations hereunder, and any such breach may result in irreparable harm to the non-breaching party. Therefore, upon any such breach or threat thereof, the party alleging breach shall be entitled to seek injunctive and other appropriate equitable relief in addition to any other remedies available to it.

4. Ownership, Feedback, and Statistical Usage Data.

4.1. Customer Data.

As between Authing and Customer, Customer owns its Customer Data. Customer grants to Authing, its Affiliates and applicable contractors a worldwide, limited-term license to host, copy, transmit and display Customer Data, as reasonably necessary for Authing to provide the Service in accordance with this Agreement. Subject to the limited licenses granted herein, Authing acquires no right, title or interest in any Customer Data. Customer shall be responsible for the accuracy, quality and legality of Customer Data and the means by which Customer acquired Customer Data.

4.2. Authing Ownership of the Service.

Except for the rights expressly granted under this Agreement, Authing and its licensors retain all right, title, and interest in and to the Service, Documentation and Professional Services, including all related intellectual property rights inherent therein. If Customer purchases Professional Services, Authing grants to Customer a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except as expressly permitted in Section 12.1), non-sublicensable right to use the Professional Services solely for Customer’s use with the Service. No rights are granted to Customer hereunder other than as expressly set forth in this Agreement.

4.3. Feedback.

Authing shall have a royalty-free, worldwide, transferable, sublicenseable, irrevocable, perpetual license to use or incorporate into its products and services any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information provided by Customer or its Users relating to the features, functionality or operation of the Service, or the Professional Services (“Feedback”). Authing shall have no obligation to use Feedback, and Customer shall have no obligation to provide Feedback.

4.4. Statistical Usage Data.

Authing owns the statistical usage data derived from the operation of the Service, including data regarding web applications utilized in connection with the Service, configurations, log data, and the performance results for the Service (“Usage Data”). Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting Authing from utilizing the Usage Data for purposes of operating Authing’s business; provided that the Usage Data shall be de-identified and presented in the aggregate so that it will not disclose the identity of Customer or any User(s) to any third party.

5. Fees, Expenses, and Taxes.

5.1. Fees.

Customer agrees to pay Authing all fees set forth in the oder form in accordance with this Agreement and the Order Form. If not otherwise specified on an Order Form, all such Fees (except Fees subject to a good faith dispute) will be due within thirty (30) days of date of invoice. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, all Fees paid and payable to Authing hereunder are non- cancelable and non-refundable. All Fees are based on access rights acquired and not actual usage. If Customer fails to pay any amounts due under this Agreement by the due date, in addition to any other rights or remedies it may have under this Agreement or by matter of law, (i) Authing reserves the right to suspend the Service upon thirty (30) days written notice, until such amounts are paid in full, and (ii) Authing will have the right to charge interest at a rate equal to the lesser of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or the maximum rate permitted by applicable Law until Customer pays all amounts due; provided that Authing will not exercise its right to charge interest if the applicable charges are under reasonable and good faith dispute and Customer is cooperating diligently to resolve the issue.

5.2. Expenses.

Unless otherwise specified in the applicable Statement of Work, upon invoice from Authing, Customer will reimburse Authing for all pre-approved, reasonable expenses incurred by Authing while performing the Professional Services, including without limitation, transportation services, lodging, and meal and out-of-pocket expenses related to the provision of the Professional Services. Authing will include reasonably detailed documentation of all such expenses with each related invoice.

5.3. Taxes.

Fees do not include and may not be reduced to account for any taxes including any local, state, federal or foreign taxes, levies, duties or similar governmental assessments of any nature, including value-added, use or withholding taxes (collectively, “Taxes”). Customer is responsible for paying all Taxes associated with its purchases hereunder (excluding taxes based on Authing’s net income or property) unless Customer provides Authing with a valid tax exemption certificate authorized by the appropriate taxing authority.